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Robert G

Physically I lost 20 lbs of not needed weight, mentally and lifestyle wise I am not even sure where to begin, but I dropped even more in that area that was holding me back.

I have followed plenty of physical programs and training programs in the past, but never one that addressed anything outside of that physical training. Daily focus on my gratitude and journaling practice has forced me to turn and look at things that I would ignore and either hope it goes away or pretend it's not there. Now, I face those thoughts directly and think about ways to resolve and or fix the issue.

Gratitude has become a super power that literally has changed the way I look at the world and every opportunity in front of me as well as just being able to see opportunities and stack wins in the process. I developed several new skills through learning and really enjoyed spending time on those and with family. It is a practice that takes constant work at, not every day was a ceiling day but there were more ceiling days than floor days, and looking at the floor days they were still better than most any day before the program.

Really grateful for all the positive change this program has offered and looking forward to building on this progress as I go through it again.

Chuck's Experience in 90 Days


 this 90 day Alchemist program came at a critical time for me man. Been in quite a rut since before thanksgiving. I can’t nail down what’s going on mentally and emotionally. Works been destroying me, just in a lost state. I played your videos for the program on repeat this morning in the gym, your words hit hard man. Thanks for putting this together. 🙏🏻


Focus has improved for sure!!! I am loving everything about this program!  I really dig the structure!  I know that I don’t need to complete the tasks at once, I can go at my own pace and it feels so damn good to reflect on the evening to write out what I did for each one!Other than helping clients, I feel the days are spent purposefully.


37 Pounds down so far 70 days into 90 Day Alchemist


Mood and focus have improved greatly! Started noticing it a few days ago and couldn’t quite put my finger on it. But feeling it more and more everyday. Even with a couple heavy hits over the last few days I’ve dealt with it all in a very different way. the old me wouldn’t be writing this right now I’d be locked up. Same as Kris, I dig the structure and I’m not just trying to accomplish tasks all at once and not absorbing it, I’m pacing myself being more present


My mental clarity and focus are the biggest things.  Words come to mind easier.  I am finding it easier to translate my thoughts to words and actions.  It's a more seamless transition, think-say-do.

Physically, I'm feeling so much better.  The nutrition component has been massive.  Joints are less achey, I feel less bloated.  More consistent energy throughout the day.  Focusing solely on protein and veggies, trying to specifically stay in the red meat realm.

The added focus and emphasis on gratitude as well has been massive.  Plainly put, I feel in a better mood.  It flows more and more easily every day.

Continuing to read and learn everyday.  Was doing this going into the 90-days, and with everything else shifting into higher vibration, there's more of an intent behind it that is wild to feel.

The mini-adventures throughout are great.  That's been a major focus of mine for a while now, trying to break free from the anxious chains of routine.  Having that reminder to do something totally out of character and routine has been great.  Not just for me either, but for my relationship with my SO.  The adventures are a thing we do together.


Feeling good. Overall thoughts are more clear across the board and focus on what i actually want is more prevalent in my life. Also less focus on what i think is the “there” more on the next few steps.

The secondary accountability on diet has definitely helped with the random boredom eating that can happen at times.

Really like how every piece is honestly really simple but effective. Its nice that they require an active choice as well. Most wont accidentally do all these things.

The added Gratitude portion has been wildly beneficial. Its gotten to where my general outlook at everything is better. Ive also got a couple clients on that practice as well.

So far this first 11 days has made me feel like im more actively being intentional with all parts of my life


Really dipping into the gratitude with even more intention. Visualizing an reflecting on goals and objectives that must be done to hit those goals. This has been massive for me as the reminder do what is required and helps keeps everything in perspective. Great way to stack wins and stay on track.

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